Emergency Protocols

Download, print, and post the 1-page WSDA handout: Emergency Spill Response Protocols and Guidance (March 2014) (PDF)

Plan Ahead to Take Quick Action if a Spill Occurs

If You are Faced With Manure Spill, Act Quickly and Follow These Four Steps:

Emergency Contact Numbers:

Washington Emergency Management Division (24 hour hotline, all areas): (800) 258-5990

Dept of Ecology

    NW Regional Office 24-hour hotline: (425) 649-7000

WA Dept of Ag

    Northwest Regional Inspector: (360) 961-7412

    Puget Sound Regional Inspector: (360) 202-3257

    Southwest Regional Inspector; (360) 902-2894

    Eastern Regional inspector: (509) 969-7140

State Veterinarian: 1-(360)-902-1878

How to Prevent a Spill:

The best way to deal with a spill is to prevent it in the first place. Regular inspection and maintenance of your manure storage and equipment is vital.

Here are things to do regularly to prevent spills: